
St. Georges, Grenada - Our safe Haven

We are still moored in Port Lousi Marina in St.Georges, Greanada.
A few boats have left, some been left here and crew gone home (most to USA).
We are still many who want to wait it out a bit to see how the covid-19 disease develops.

Boats that are sailing to Europe will in any case have to wait - as the recommended time to cross the Atlantic starts first week of May.

Greneda has so far had 7 cases of the virus, all caused by 2 persons contracting the virus in- or on travels from UK and USA. They arrived home to pass the virus on to family and firends.
All the infected are between 60 and 80 and are being isolated at home while they are ill.

They have hospital beds ready for them if they will need medical treatment. Health and medical staff are skilled, but the capasity for treatment isn't very high here.

Today the government declared a 7 day cerfew starting at 7PM this evening.
People will however be able to go shopping for food and medicines - in a controlled manor.

We went to the foodshop and bakery early today - and ended up in a long que.
But Grete who made it inside, did all the shopping and got us all the neccessary fresh goodies
we needed. We are now well stocked for many weeks.

Our plan so far, is to sail from here in 3 weeks time - to be up in the Antigua area when its time to
start our trip accorss the Atlantic.

Today we got an internet router and a cables onboard. The marina had them in store, but had failed to tell us about it. So after having struggeled with a weak and failing WiFi for 9 days we now have our own  fast and stable WiFi onboard for all our gadgets - and able to speak to family and friends on voice/video.

Geir has been on the amateur radio, but heard nothing from Europe. Had a few CW contact with US and Canadian stations.

Well days are passing quick and weather is great. The only irritating thing is the marina pool is closed. So no coooling off there. A shower on the lazarette is the substitue.
 It would be wrong to tell you we are suffering  ;)

Stay at home - and keep safe and healthy.

Grete & Geir



Kleiner Bär said...

Hei Geir and Grete,
Nice to read that you are still carrying on your travel route. I just thought about you and was checking were you are. Como va el español?
Andrea Belandria

Geir said...

Hallo Andrea. Good to gear from you :) All is well here. We are bort with good health and just waiting to get starter om out voyage to Azores/Europas in May.
How are thing with you. Working fom home - and no offshore trips ?

Hans / LA6IM said...
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Hans / LA6IM said...

Grete and Geir,
Glad to see you are both safe and with good health (and even with WiFi access, hi).
Just wanted to wish you both a very Happy Easter, and looking forward to following your upcoming passage towards Europe, despite being one year too early.

VE1RY said...

I am very pleased to hear that you are both safe & healthy. I would like to wish you both a Happy Easter form myself & my wife Priscilla. I will keep listening and hope to chat with you on 20 meters once you start your trip back across the Atlantic. Stay Safe.

Geir said...

A very Happy Easter to you Hans/LA6IM and Stan/VE1RY.

Kleiner Bär said...

Working from home but as a mom. We got a boy ik November, so still in mamaperm...
Wish that you have a nice sailing in may. Following...