
Bye bye Mindelo

Hello, time for an update.
We have had 10 days relaxing in Mindelo - while waiting for our new grandson to be born in Norway.
He was born the 3rd of February and now their little family is back home in our house at Lista.

We set sail from Mindelo the 6th bound for Jacare near Cabadelo in NE Brazil. On the way we will stop
at the island Fernando Noronha (2 days before Cabadelo.)

Weather is good, wind from NE 15 to 25 knots but a bit rolly at times. But we are making acceptable speed averaging 5 kts.
At noon UTC we are west of Fogo island in the Cape Verdes. Sunny and 24C

Great radio conditions and sending/receiving emails easy. Arranged for radio sked with LA on 14326 at 1600UTC. More later.

1 comment:

Hans / LA6IM said...

Dear Grete and Geir,
congrats with the new-born expansion of your family! Wishing you all the best on your continued voyage towards Brazil.