
Las Palmas to Puerto Mogan

 We have had some relaxed days in Las Palmas.  Frequented Sailors Bay for cold beers and snacks. Bought deck paint and a few Christmas presents. But as mixing with too much people is risky business, we try to keep to ourselves as much as possible. 

Las Palmas to Puerto Mogan

We departed LP in the morning on the 30th November to sail south to Amfi Del Mar, where we plan to anchor for one night. We had great wind from the NE that veered to East as we got further south and at times we did 8+ knots SOG. Then as we passed Maspalomas the wind dropped as at a flick of a switch.

From fresh breeze to no wind in less than a minute.

We motored the last we miles to the anchorage right in front of the Radisson Hotel in Alfas Del Pi. The anchorage had very good holding and there were very little swell or waves. We will definitely come back to this place later on. 


Breakfast at anchor in Amfi Del mar

 Our main sail is becoming more of a problem. Looks like it’s pretty worn out and has lost it’s shape. We have done many repairs and we just discovered another tear in one of the seems.  We will have to decide what to do during our 3 months stay in Puerto Mogán.

December 1st we motored the remaining 5 nm up to Puerto Mogán where we will spend 3 months at the marina. 


Marina at Puerto Mogan

The place is mainly a tourist town built around the small beach and the next door marina. The marina is quite small, but well sheltered from wind, waves and swell. 

Puerto Mogan is a very cozy and scienic village.

 There are many small restaurants and shops all along the marina. But even so it gets quiet by 10 or 11PM.  There are boats with live-aboard s from many nations.


Our closest neighbour has XMAS decorations in place.

We will be wintering here in Puerto Mogan untill 1st of March. We then plan to visit other islands here in the Canaries and continue north to Madeira, then the Azores islands in April.

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