
Illa de Ons

 After a couple of calm, quiet and relaxing days at anchor in Arousa we received a navigation permit to visit the nature reserve Illa de Ons. We departed Sunday 29th August and motored the short stretch of just 3 hrs and anchored our side Playa Melide. A long popular sandy beach. 

 Unfortunately the demand was all dinghies had to be carried up to the upper end of the beach - too hard work for us. We ended up watching the island from the boat.

 The final day fog rolled in and visibility was next to nothing. A bit scary as local fishing boats came pretty close. We could hear their engines and the waves slapping against our boat. We decided to leave for the city of Vigo where we would fill up with fresh water and foods/drinks. At same time do our laundry and get rid of the garbage.

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