
Radio sked times + more

Days are passing pretty fast out here. Keeping an eye out for the weather and adjusting sails
and our Hydrovane steering keeps us occupied.

The Hydrovane is a fantastic gadget.
It is a complete independent rudder which is controlled by the wind/direction.
As long as the winddirection is constant the rudder steers the boat at a steady heading.
If the wind changes a few degrees we wills till maintain speed as the windangle into the sails
will still be the same. So we need to keep an eye of our heading once in a while.

We now have around 1450 nautical miles left to reach Horta on the Azores.
The weather outlook looks promissing and we hope to arrive before may 25th.
Our position can be found on winlink.org - look at the links at top of this blog.

I am on the air from the boat on HAM radio on frequency 14.328 every day
at 1900 and 2130 UTC . Please feel free to give me a call.

73's Geir - LA5ZO/MM

1 comment:

Per K. Hagen said...

Hi Geir;
I heard you pretty loud and clear 5-7 via Julussdalen SDR on 16.05.2020 at 22:00 hrs UTC in contact with LA6IM and LB6OH on 14328kHz. Also observed on todays Vestlandsringen that you currently carry good speed towards the Azores. It was indeed good to hear your voice. Wishing you safe sailing!
We were allowed into Denmark on Friday as our son & family resides here. Tried to listen to you on my own rig, but not possible to read you!😞
Anyway, will try again as we will be in Ebeltoft for the Summer!
Take care and welcome back to Europe.
Best 73 de Per 5P9GL / LA9GL