
Arrived in Mindelo, CV

We had a great trip sailing from GranCanary to Mindelo.
The first few hours out from Puerto Rico we had smooth sea and light winds.
later the wind and sea increased. During the night we had gusts up 28 knots.
The next day wind eased off a little and sea dropped some. We motor sailed
to keep the speed above 5 knots that would get us to Mindelo in 7 days.
To conserve diesel we motor sailed with just 1000 rpm's.

3rd day wind increased from the NE to 20 knots gusting 25+ knots.
We turned of the engine and set the Hydrovane to steer the boat.
Wind stayed unchanged untill we reached Mindelo in the afternoon on the 7th day. (27.01)
It was great to arrive Mindelo. Geir had been there 48 years ago.
At the time he was a sailor on a Norwegian merchant ship.

Safely moored in Mindelo Marina

The marina is very well organized. We called them on VHF and a small boat came out and guided us in to our berth.

Happy to have arrived Mindelo

After check-in Grete prepared a delicious Indian curry pot.
Later we went into a floating bar here at the marina. Here we met the crew from Swiss sailboat Fitz Roy.
Geir had kept daily radio contact with the captain Alex who sailes with two vegetarian ladies.
Grete tempted Alex to come onboard and have some leftovers from her Indian pot. He came over later that night and left with a portion and a great smile.

Gretes Indian curry
 Mindelo and the island of Sao Vicente looks to be a nice place.
We are looking forward to explore the town and the island in the coming days.

Mindelo sunset Tuesday evening

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