The past days at Milford Haven was an agony, waiting for suitable wind force/direction.
We did a day trip by train to Haverfordwest and Grete finally got a lightbulb for her sewing machine.
Also installed som clews to lock the boom prevneter lines on the boat.
The distance from Milford Haven to Falmouth is 150 nautical miles. It took us 28 hours.
Left at 8PM Tuesday and arrived at 12 noon the next day. We had acceptable winds and seas most of the time.
After rounding Lands End wind and seas calmed and we motored into Falmouth and Falmouth Marine in nice sunny weather.
First mate happy to have arrived in Falmouth
It looks like it's going to be an expensive but very needed stay.
We replaced all the running rigging in Deganwy in Nort Wales and the rigger there strongly advised us to replace
the standing rig (all SS wires) He also hinted that our main sail had seen better days.
The main sail was on our list and we had long been uncertain about the state and life-span of our standing rig.
However - we got a deal with A2 rigging in Falmouth - and they are replacing the standing rig for us starting this Tuesday.
Grete and I discussed what to do with the worn out main sail.
Talk to sailmakers and see if we could get a fair price and to have a new sail sent to a port in Spain or Portugal.
First we did a search on the net for local sailmakers in Falmouth to check what they had too offer.
A telephone call later, we had managed to get a deal with local sailmaker SAILTECH.
Owner - Peter Crockford came to the boat 15 minutes later did an inspection and took with him the old main sail.
They will make us a new main sail and deliver it within Friday next week.
They are also making a "clip-on" mizzen sail to attach to the back-stay, when anchoring. Both at a fair price.
The lead time for deliver a main was normally 3 weeks, but they were able to shorten that to a week.
Today Geir disconnected wiring up to the mast. The mast is being lifted off for inspection and meassurements.
The coaxial antenna cable to the VHF antenna was in a poor state and needs to be replaced.
Cable is available locally and will be replaced while the mast is down.
Hi Geir and Grete, I followed your journry from Milford Haven on the AIS, that was a long sail and I suppose you were tired when you arrived in Falmouth.We used to holiday in Penryn when I was young. Glad you were sable to get a new sail quickly, that is a very good service from Mr. Cockroft. Enjoy your stay in Falmouth and safe sailing, 73 John MM0GGI.
Hei Grete og Geir,
Skjønner at utfordringene med rigg og seil kan være utfordrende. Men, bedre føre var, og spesielt med tanke på den videre turen, hi.
Har også sendt noe info via Winlink før jeg leste bloggen. Håper at dere får seil og rigg klargjort til forventet tidspunkt, og at resten går uten en "glitch".
73s, 88, es fair winds!
Hans / LA6IM
Hello John, tried to call you a couple of times on 60m (evening) but nothing. Guess condx poor. FB on Penryn. I think it's just up the road from the marina. Will try again on 5398,5 Going into Falmouth tomorrow to get some pilot books for west France, Spain & Portugal and some paper charts to plot our trip on when we set off accross the Biscay.
Grete sends her 88s :)
73s Geir
Hei Hans, takk for kommentar. Hyggelig å høre fra deg. JA vi gleder oss til alt er nytt og solid. Når vi seiler herfra skulle vi være 100%
forberedt. Vi har testet båten i en del drittvær den siste måneden, så den holder ;)
Ellers er det en fin varm helg her og håper på brukbart vær neste uke også. Ha det bra og skal laste ned mail fra Winlink senere.
Beste 73 herfra
Hi Geir, let me know if you want me to continue in English rather than in Norwegian on your blog. Else, QSL. Here it has been raining "just a bit" the last few days, to say the least, but now the temp is coming to around 20-25 degs, so not complaining. Will check back regularly to see how you both are doing. Take care, talk to you later. 73s de Hans
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