
Update from Portree, Isle of Skye

Have had a few start problems getting this blog going. The position links should be OK now.
We have been updating our Facebook page with our progress.

Here is a picture from today of the boat on a swing mooring in Portree at Isle of Skye.

Had a great experience today. We went ashore to fill up 2 large drinkwater cans and to purchase new butan gas bottles. When asking at the harbourmasters office a guy jumped up and said: "I'll drive you there" He took us to a shop a mile from there and also suggested to take us to Co-Op supermarket.
Very greatful and nice to meet such a kind person. Turned out he was a cox-swain on Portree Lifeboat. Tomorrow we are doing a short sail to Gairloch - which is only 25nm NE of here.

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