Finally - the day arrived - departure from Puerto Mogan.
Our depature was delayed almost one week as we were waiting for our new mainsail to be delivered.
Bye bye to Puerto Mogan
We left P.Mogan at 0930 the 7th March and had a nice sail accross to an anchorage at Los Christianos
on the south coast of Tenerife. We arrived in the dark around 8PM and anchored in 8m depth.
Sun setting as we approach the anchorage at Los Christianos. |
Did'nt sleep to good during the night, was a bit worried as we were anchored near a shallow.
But we remained in position safely.
The next morning we set off for the island of La Gomera. Our destination was the marina at the main town of San Sebastian.
We had a nice trip accross, most of it by motoring as the area between the islands is mostly sheltered from wind by the high Tenerife mountains.
Bye bye Los Christianos |
On our way to La Gomeara
San Sebastian harbour
"Norske" Boadecia (Fred Olsen)
Moored in La Gomera Marina. |
We arrived at 4PM and were greeted and directed to our berth by the local marineros in their dinghy.
The Marina is right in the town centre and the facilities good, but the WiFi was out of action.
The first day we went for a few walks in town, did some small shopping and had a nice pizza and
cold beers.
Out for a cold beer at a seaside bar.
The next day we hired a car and went for a drive on the island. We took a route recommended by the
tourist office, which took us up to the national park which is a unique rainforrest, protected by the World Herritage Fund.
We stopped at the visitors centre at La Laguna Grande. This is a very nice pick-nick/leisure area.
There's a nice restaurant there where we had lunch.
From there we returned to San Sebastian on the main road stopping at several view points to
enjoy many spectacular mountains and gorges. We finnished the last day with a nice meal at
a restaurant at the marina.
Hermigua, famous for growing bananas
Santa Catarina beach in Hermigua. Teide on Tenerife in the background. |
Pylons used to hoist bananas to small boats who transfered them to vessels at anchor. |
Lots of work has been done to create land to grow fruit/vegs.
Lots of spectacular view points. |
Mirador Los Roques
My sweet admiral ;)
Our rental car and the co-pilot :)
Los Roques
We departed San Sebastian the 11th March for Tenerife.
The forecast for the coming week is for strong northerly wind. We have made reservation for a berth in Santa Cruz. We had originally intended to anchor the first night underway in Los Christianos, but as we arrived there early in the afternoon and weather was reasonably OK, we decided to push on to Santa Cruz.
We had some headwind slowing us down at the start but as we were able to alter course a bit and managed to get wind into the main sail and speed went from 2-3 to 5 to 6 knots.
We arrived at the marina in Santa Cruz at 10PM in the dark. But having been here before made thing much easier. Marineros was there at the pontoon with a good flashlight leading our way.
Tired but happy captain arrived at Santa Cruz.
So we are ready to explore Santa Cruz and maybe a drive around the island.