
Fernando Noronha to NE Brazil

We arrived the island of Fernando Noronha the 18th February and anchored in calm weather
in the morning. The island looks very pretty and we made our way ashore with the dinghy.
Check-in was easy - but took it's time as we had to visit 3 authorities.
But the local sheriff took us in his car and after 2 hours we were ready and cleared in and could go get some ice cold beers.

We met Marcus - a very friendly young German traveller who offered the use of his hot-spot phone
to Grete, as she was very eager to see pictures of our new grandson. We received lots of them as well as video's and had a longer chat with them using Messenger.

Visiting Fernando Noronha is expensive. For the 3 days we had planned we had to pay almost 1000 reais (Brazil money)

After our beer hot-spot session it was time to return to the boat, as it gets dark very early here.
A short while after we arrived onboard, the weather changed dramatically.
First wind increased then heavy rain and more wind. It kept on like this for 2 hours and seas and swell got higher. Bot rolled pretty hard at times, but the anchor held fine.

The next day we still rolled to much and there was too much waves to go ashore with the dinghy.
The 3rd day arrived with little change - and we had to face the fact that a few ours visit to the island had cost a lot of money. At 1530 - we lifted anchor and set sail for our next port of call
the marina at Jacare up-river from the town of Cabadelo in NE Brazil.

We had to motor-sail most of the time - in order to stay above 5 knots, which would get us to
the marina at HW which was at 1600 local time the 22nd of February.
We had limited amount of diesel left, but running the engine at minimum RPM's we managed to get there before the tank was empty.

Jacare Village Marina looks like a well organized place. It has all the facilities including a bar
and kitchen that serves great food.

The marina helped us get in touch with a technician to fix our cooling-box. It had gradually gotten warmer - and at the end had an internal temperature of 22C. It's now running as  should keeping all our drinks nice and cold.

Safely moored in Jacare

Marina bar and leisure area
Bringing the laudry ashore


Sailing the Atlantic


Time passes fast out here. We are already nearly 800 nm SSW of Mindelo, Cape Verde
that we left one week ago. We are heading for the island Fernando Noronha located NE of the NE coast of Brazil. We hope to get permit to go ashore, as one normally need to have a visa in advance. It is supposed to be one for the foremost attractions in Brazil and a well protected natures reserve.

The weather is fine. A ENE wind 15 knots is giving us good sailig wind.
Our 3rd crew member, the Hydrovane wind rudder does all the steering. Expensive but never complains, doen't eat and works 24/7 ;)

Food wise we are eating well. So far we have made several hot meals. Easy to prepare and such that will leave less dishes to wash.
We have bought German frikadellen (Norw: Karbonader) and Bratwurst both with long expiry dates.
We also rely heavily on Corned Beef and tinned Ham. We also have glasses of conserved boiled potatoes, (long life) that only needs
to be heated in hot water. So we are NOT starving. Huge amounts of Ice tea and drinking water for dry throats. And occational cold beer - but JUST the one!

Have great radio conditions and email is easy using Winlink via a station on the Canary islands.
Conditions to Norway been off/on - but have had contacts every day in the afternoon (1600Z on 14328)
Will also try same frequency at 1045Z.

I am also keeping radio sked with S/Y Fitz Roy with skipper Alexander and his to female sailing companions.
We were both in Mindelo. They left 3 days later than us bound for French Guyana. We meet on marine channels
on 6 or 8 MHz twice a day. Such contacts are great for keeping up the spirit and to compare notes when sailing in similar waters.

Will try upload some pictures once we are within wi-fi range.


Bye bye Mindelo

Hello, time for an update.
We have had 10 days relaxing in Mindelo - while waiting for our new grandson to be born in Norway.
He was born the 3rd of February and now their little family is back home in our house at Lista.

We set sail from Mindelo the 6th bound for Jacare near Cabadelo in NE Brazil. On the way we will stop
at the island Fernando Noronha (2 days before Cabadelo.)

Weather is good, wind from NE 15 to 25 knots but a bit rolly at times. But we are making acceptable speed averaging 5 kts.
At noon UTC we are west of Fogo island in the Cape Verdes. Sunny and 24C

Great radio conditions and sending/receiving emails easy. Arranged for radio sked with LA on 14326 at 1600UTC. More later.